"If the Mind is the King of the senses, the master of Mind is the Breath"
Ashtanga Yoga:
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः ॥ (YOGAS CHITTA VRITTI NIRODHAH).
Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind, and the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga transforms the being. It removes the disharmony among three foundational doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) which are the base of any disease and takes the being to ease. Vata (wind), Pitta (fire, bile), and kapha (earth, phlegm) are the three doshas, which are functional elements responsible for each and every activity of the body and which are excited by food and actions. When doshas are in harmony, there is health, when in disharmony, disease follows.
Yoga is a way, a path, a method to silence the turbulence of the mind and establish itself in the self so it will not exist as different from the self. The means by which the mind is directed toward the self and prevented from going toward outside objects (through the sense organs) is what is known as Yoga. How can we make the mind one-pointed so that we may see the Universal Self? This is what Ashtanga Yoga teaches.
The word Ashtanga means eight limbs or steps:
Yama/Self-restraint (Ahimsa/Non-violence, Satya/Truthfulness, Asteya/Non-Stealing, Brahmcharya/Celibacy & Aparigraha/Non-possessiveness),
Niyama/Fixed Observance (Saucha/Purity, Santosha/Content, Tapas/Austerity, Svadhayaya/Self Study, Ishwar parinidhanam/Surrendering to Lord),
Pranayama/Expanding the life pranic force,
Pratyahara/Withdrawl of senses,
Dharna/Act of concentration,
Dhayana/Contemplation and
Samadhi/Complete absorption.
Each limb is very essential and complete. According to Lord Patanjali if these limbs are practiced dedicatedly under the guidance of traditional and authentic teacher, yoga can cure or lessen our physical, mental, moral, and spiritual sufferings.
Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama are considered as (Bahiranga Yoga) external practices. Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are (antaranga yoga) internal practices.
Just mere practice of rituals and conversations on Yoga topics will not give any results. Only Abhyasa (dedicated practice) is the key through which one gets Kaivalya Sadhana. The blockers in Yoga practice is laziness, sleep and disease, one needs to overcome this and maintain a steady practice to radiate in eternal glory.